
North Idaho Computer Repair would like to offer some basic tutorials for the everyday computer user. These tutorials would server to educate users in a variety of fields which will encourage and more knowledgeable and safe experience while on or offline. All tutorials will be roughly an hour in length, there will be no prerequisites, they will be provided on site or in customers homes, and will be $20. Additional unlisted tutorials can be requested and discussed at any time, please just contact us.

Computer Basics

This tutorial will be more or less how to use the basic functions of a computer. It will include how to use word processing, internet browser of your choice, several windows functions, all peripherals of your computers, and anything else you may need help with.

Computer Advanced

Similar to the basics course this tutorial will be going over many of the computers functions, however this one will aim to tackle some of the more advanced parts of the operating system, internet browser, drivers, customization of appearance and performance settings, installation of additional free tools, and anything else you are curious about.

Online Safety

As you know, the internet can be a very scary and unsafe place for those who are unprepared to deal with it. This tutorials goal will be to teach users how to stay safe and secure online by demonstrating how to search and download safely, manage antivirus programs, and use other tools in order to maintain a virus free and enjoyable experience while online.

Privacy Basics

The privacy tutorial will be aimed at keeping users safe from external threats that monitor what you do and try to steal your information whenever possible. During the course we would be teaching users about alternate emails, password security, anonymity online, and a few other practices for maintaining a safe and private interaction while online. 

Privacy Advanced

Privacy advanced will be similar to privacy basics but will cover much more in-depth topics for privacy. Some of what the tutorial will go over is almost complete online anonymity, VPNs and Proxies, encryption, and alternative methods to common practices for privacy, and more.


We would like to help where ever we can, and therefore we have an other section to possibly help with unlisted tutorials. If you are curious about something and want help with it, feel free to give us a call and see what we can offer in that specific field. If we are adept in the field and have something to offer, we would be happy to help.