*If your question is not listed here, please feel free to contact us.

How can I tell if my computer has a virus or some form of malware?

If your computer is infected with something, it will behave in a manner that isn’t normal and is undesired. If the computer is slower to start up or a program is running a bit sluggish, these could be symptoms of an infected computer. Other signs may include: unexpected shutdowns or restarts, programs not opening at all, programs freezing, complete loss of computer usage, and many more. Thankfully we offer solutions to all of these problems and would be happy to help you with them.

How can I browse the internet safely?

Browsing the Internet safely can be a somewhat tedious effort but hopefully we can make the task a bit easier for you. All of this and more is covered in our online safety tutorial.

  1. The site should look professional and has signs or recent upkeep. These can be posts made recently, or a copyright at the bottom of the current year.
  2. Another simple method checking a websites validity is to simply google the site name and add “reviews” after it and read what other people have to say about it. Unless the reviews are overwhelmingly negative then the website is probably fine.
  3. Google also provides a website checking tool that helps users figure out what they need to about websites. http://google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=www.example.com Simply type in the website in question and see what comes up.
  4. If you’re unfamiliar with a site be very wary of downloading anything, especially if something pops up to download without you clicking anything. Infections often come in the form of unverified downloads or add-ons to seemingly safe downloads.

When do I need to get my operating system reinstalled?

If your computer is behaving significantly worse than normal or is unresponsive, it may be time for an operating system reinstall. The root of the problem could be a virus or the operating system becoming corrupt or several other problems. Thankfully reinstalls aren’t as bad as you might imagine. They do take a day or two but once it’s completed you will have a computer that is basically factory new with all your data transferred over from the previous operating system. We offer all of these services and would be happy to answer any question you may have about this process and whether or not it is right for you.

If I deleted or lost a file, can I get it back?

The best answer is, sometimes you can. If a file was deleted by you and you can’t seem to get it back, it is very likely that the file can be recovered. However, if your computer is no longer able to turn on or you are no longer able to get to the operating system, then the chances of getting your data back are much more difficult and possibly impossible. We are able to try to get the data back no matter what your circumstances are, and if we are unable to get it back, there are more pricey services that we don’t provide that still may be able to help you.

How can I speed my computer up?

This is one of the most common questions, and it also has the most possible answers. Your computer being sluggish can be because of a virus or malware, a corrupted operating system, insufficient ram, a failing hard drive, and many more. That being said, the best way to speed it up is to check to make sure all those potential problems are not problems. We provide all a services that covers all of this for a very reasonable price.

Should I upgrade my operating system?

The first thing you should consider is if your computer can handle a new operating system. For example, some computers trying to make the jump from Windows XP to Windows 7 might not have sufficient memory or space to be able to do so. However, if your computer’s hardware can handle any upgrade then there is rarely a downside to upgrading your operating system. Most of the time the new operating system will work better with new programs, as well as be cleaner and easier to run for your computer. However, keep in mind that sometimes operating system upgrade will be incompatible with much older programs. We can provide consultation as well as the upgrade for you whenever you are ready.

I am having problems with my computer after it was repaired, what should I do?

Before your computer leaves our repair facility, it is thoroughly tested and everything is double-checked to make sure it is working correctly. So the best thing that you can do is to check all cable connections, including all the power connections to the computer. Even go as far as to unplug and re-plug all the connections. If there is still a problem after all this, we will come out and make sure everything is working correctly at your house for no extra cost.

How do refunds and returns work?

We provide the best service we can at all times, but we do understand that not everyone will be 100% satisfied. We are not able to provide refunds or take returns for custom part orders, software purchases and installs, and custom built computers. Services that are not up to your expectations will be dealt with in a few different ways; we will provide free follow-up repairs or support, or offer you a store credit, and worst case scenarios, we will provide a full refund. These options will be discussed with you and will be ultimately decided by us. The time duration for a return or refund is usually a week, but can be longer based on the service provided.

Data loss while computer is being serviced.

We understand the importance of your data and strive to keep is safe and secure. Yet sometimes unforeseen circumstances can arise that lead to data corruption or loss. We do apologize for such occurrences, and they are very few and far between. But North Idaho Computer Repair is not responsible for any lost data while your computer is being serviced by us or in our possession. We can back up your data whenever you need us to, or you are welcome to back up your own data prior to service if possible.